Designing for Resiliency in the Real World of Healthcare, On Demand

Increasingly we are exposed to different types of events requiring us to rethink resiliency. Whether a man-made or natural event, different types of considerations need to act as the basis for how we get through disasters of any kind. This presentation will focus on the experience of experts who can share their perspective on how they have addressed different types of resiliency needs either from an owner’s or designer’s perspectives.
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One potential partner for making important design changes is to work closely with:
Post Pandemic processes that are ongoing:
As we learned from Hurricane Katrina, where should electrical gear be installed at a hospital?
Modular construction can help offset the cost of construction.
One big design intervention to come out of the pandemic was to include more acuity-adaptable ICU spaces.
The Human Factor – veteran staff of the healthcare industry is better informed of their built environment now more than ever.
Design of “dead space” design in acute care has made a cultural shift.
Flexibility in the design of acute care is important because:
What are examples of new design practices based on natural disaster responses?
Examples of staff respite/spaces to include are: